Wraparound Care and Clubs
Breakfast Club and After School Club:
Breakfast club is available every school day from 7.45am and is currently £4.00 per session.
After school club is available every school day until 6pm and is currently £8.50 per session.
Wraparound care is available to all pupils however there are limited places. In order to book session, a contract must be completed which can be found here. You will then be added to the register to be able to book sessions when you require them.
Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance via School Money which can be found here. In the event of an emergency After School Club sessions can be booked up to an hour before the session by telephoning the school office (if spaces are available) and payment will be taken over the phone.
Free 30 hours childcare for 3 and 4 year olds:
Children in Nursery may be entitled to access 30 hours of free childcare if you meet the required criteria. To find out if you are eligible, or for more information, please contact the school office.
Children in Nursery who aren’t eligible for the 30 hours free childcare are able to book their child to stay on an afternoon session at an additional cost.
Schoolz Out:
We run a number of clubs after school including sports, performing arts and karate etc. These clubs are ran and paid for on a termly basis so look out for the Schoolz Out newsletter which is emailed at the start of each term. The clubs are available for all children in years 1-6.
Booster Clubs:
School will offer additional booster sessions before and after school for individual pupils as part of our recovery strategy. Staff will contact parents to offer support where needed.
For more information on any of the above childcare options or if you require your login details to School Money to be re-set, please contact the school office.
E – bbinfo@nllt.co.uk
T – 0191 594 7033