Collective Worship

Our collective worship strengthens and supports the Christian identity of our school, reaffirms our values and celebrates the contribution that each child makes to our community. Worship reflects the variety of traditions found in the Church of England, and will recognise and follow the Christian liturgical year. The daily Christian act of worship is central to our ethos and provides pupils and staff time, separate and distinct from the rest of the school day, in which to reflect, develop a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and further develop their spirituality.
The protocol document below gives more detailed information on Collective Worship in our school. Please also see the Spirituality Curriculum for more information.

In partnership with the parish of St Matthew and St Wilfred, we like to offer the whole community a chance to worship with us at school on a Friday morning, led by our school Chaplain, Vicar Revd. David Tolhurst. Parents, carers and families along with pupils, staff, Governors and members of the community are all invited to attend these services.
In additional to our weekly community worship, each term we host a Eucharist Services, where members of our community are invited to come and take communion with us or to receive a blessing.
In addition to opportunities to worship in school, we also provide opportunities to worship with out wider community – for example where we lead our St Matthews and Wilfred’s Parish Church evening Christmas Service or when our Year 6 pupils attend the Leavers Service at Durham Cathedral attended by several pupils of our Church School partners.

Staff, pupils and members of our community are invited to continue their faith journey and explore their faith with others through confirmation. If you are interested in being confirmed, then please speak to our School Chaplain Revd. David Tolhurst.