Benedict Biscop Prince Bishop School Teaching Alliance Leading School
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Community Worship

Join us for our weekly Community Worship every Friday at 9am! We invite pupils, parents, carers/guardians and the wider community to come together in fellowship.  A time to celebrate our shared values, give thanks, and look after our spiritual well-being. We look forward to seeing you there!

Community Worship

Join us for our weekly Community Worship every Friday at 9am! We invite pupils, parents, carers/guardians and the wider community to come together in fellowship.  A time to celebrate our shared values, give thanks, and look after our spiritual well-being. We look forward to seeing you there!

PTFA Christmas Extravaganza

Join us after school in the hall for our Annual PTFA Christmas Extravaganza - there will be lots Christmas fun including crafts, games and treats.  The raffle will also be drawn and there may even be a visit from a special someone.  Entry is via the hall doors (cash only please)

EYFS Nativity Performance (AM)

Parents of Reception children are invited into school to attend the Nativity Performance (2 Adults per child please).  Doors open 30mins beforehand

EYFS Nativity Performance (AM)

Parents of Nursery children are invited into school to attend the Nativity Performance (2 Adults per child please).  Doors open 30mins beforehand

KS2 Carol Service

Held at St Matthew's & St Wilfrid's Parish Church at 6pm

Helping children to realise their potential. Aspiring to excellence in all aspects of life